How Intimate Hygiene Helps You Towards Healthy & Hygienic Sex

 We live in a way of life where we focus on the aspect of survival. Scientifically proven these are the three elements which a human need to live a healthy life i.e. food, sleep & sex. Now what exactly do you mean by sex? Sex is also known as sexual intercourse or sexual penetration or sexual behavior is usually you expressing your love, attraction, or need to accomplish your physical pleasure from another person either it be of the same sex or different sex person.

Sexual intercourse or sexual penetration has involved the insertion of the penis into a vagina for sexual pleasure or reproductions. Well, there are other forms of penetrative intercourse which are either anal or oral. But why is sex such a necessity to human beings?

Why can a person not live without sex?

Only fueling your body through food & rest is not the only aspect to survive the long run. Because food and sleep would only help you sustain your body energy so you can survive the long run. But apart from the energy your body also encapsulates a lot of other emotions which are registered in your mind & hence not leading you to mental peace. Hence sex plays a vital role not only in helping you stimulate your mind in the right way. But also helping you relax and gauge a healthy lifestyle.

Health Benefits

Here are some health benefits which you can garner through sexual intercourse & it is usually diversified in two ways either physical or mental health:

Mental Health

Though sex is a physical act of love it routes towards mental peace & helps you keep your mind sane. It not only helps increasing satisfaction for mental health but also helping to develop the bond between the two partners, it does reduce your stress & anxiety. But apart from these it also helps in the following aspects mentioned below:

Confidence Booster

Though we live in an open & mature living society sex is still termed as a taboo to be spoken about openly. During sexual intercourse, we encounter a release of estrogen which not only helps you look younger. But it also helps relieve your stress from your head which simultaneously helps you gauge a clear thought. Hence leading to a boost to a lot of things like confidence & many more.

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Inner Happiness

Though the representation of happiness is been expressed from the outside. But the prime reason for being happy comes from the inside as well. Because when you feel you are happy it helps you project yourself which not only includes the way you present yourself. But it also emphasizes the change in your skin tone & your residual self-image.

Physical Health

Many of them are not aware of this but sex does help out not only keeps you fit. But it also helps you clear certain health ailments as well which are as follows:

Stronger Immune System

The couples who indulge in regular sexual intercourse do tend to develop more immunoglobulin A {IgA}. IgA is an antibody that helps you to keep yourself immune from various kinds of illness. But the prime reason to cut the positive aspects of sex is stress & anxiety. 

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is cancer which has been developed in men’s prostate. The role of a men’s prostate is to produce the seminal fluid which helps to nourish & transport the sperm. If not treated in the right way it also creates problems in erection. 

Healthy Heart

It is been said that regular sex does deplete the chances of a heart attack. The prime reason for the same is because it helps strengthen your heart by reducing blood pressure, it also helps reduce stress & to promote good sleep. These are some of the basic elements but the prime reason why it helps in promoting a healthy heart is that it reduces the factor of loneliness, depression & anxiety which are the major factors of a heart attack. 

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How intimate hygiene helps for healthy & hygienic sex

As keeping yourself clean leads to a healthy life. In the same way, keeping your genitals clean by using the best intimate hygiene for men play a vital role in healthy & hygienic sex life. Unhygienic genitals often lead to various STD’s {sexually transmitted diseases} which are as follows: 


Herpes is a virus that leads to the development of contagious sores which are often been observed near the mouth & genitals.


One of the most common sexually transmitted disease which is a contagious disease which is usually been transmitted from an infected person to another. It is curable but often recommended to utilize men’s hygienic products to have safe & clean sex. 


A bacterial infection is been transmitted through sexual activities. But if not treated quickly or in the right way it might lead to infertility as well.

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If you wish to follow norms for a healthy sex life then associating with the right available intimate wash product in india plays a vital role. The Men’s Lab is a one-stop solution for all such categories of men’s hygienic products intimate wash clean & dry. All their products are cruelty & paraben-free.


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